Page name: The girl 2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-13 15:34:37
Last author: eyes of frost
Owner: eyes of frost
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Chapter nine
I got home and before I flopped on our new couch, I went to check on everyone. All asleep, except Anna. She was sitting up in bed crying softly to herself. I walked in loudly enough for her to know I was there. I sat on the bed, and asked her what was wrong.
“I had a nightmare.”
“It was that bad?”
“I don't want to talk about it.” I let it go. She hugged me and held on. I had to put her in a more comfortable position so I could lay with her. She was cradled in my lap like a baby. All she could do was cry. “Please don't look and see what is wrong with me. It's private and I don't want to share it just yet.”
“I promise that I won't.” She nodded and cried herself to sleep. She was hurting and didn't want anyone to help.
When she was asleep I got up and grabbed some shorts and a shirt. I hopped in the shower and then got ready for bed. As I was getting out of the shower, a towel was handed to me. There was Austin sitting on the toilet. He got through the locks. Good for him. They weren't Austin proof yet.
“What do you want and why so late at night?”
“Where did you go to earlier?”
“You really need to stop spying on me ya know. It gets really tiresome.”
“Where did you go Rain?”
“Look, I'm not going to have this argument with you. You are not him. You won't be him. He's dead and gone. And I sure don't need another one like him. Lord knows I don't need all of the hassles. My father was my father; you are not he so drop it. Now, if you don't mind I would like to get dressed. So please leave.” He left without another word. I heard the door close and knew he left the apartment. I hated it when he spied on me and he knew it. He did it just to piss me off.
After the shower, I went to bed. It was two o'clock in the morning. I was going to have to train myself to wake up at early times and go to bed later and later. Daddy always taught me to run on a few hours of sleep, when it was needed. Didn't want those lessons going to waist.
At about five o'clock, I woke up to find three more people than I had went to bed with in my bed. Jacob, Julianna and the oldest Brian. They were all at the end of the bed and sleeping. They looked so cute. Five o'clock. Three hours of sleep. To tired to think, but had to get ready to go. Had to find a day job. Had to get a second phone line.
“Damn it all to hell.” I got up and went in search of food. I found some mint chip ice cream in the freezer. Yummy. I got a spoon out of the drawer and pigged out. Ice cream made you fat. I didn't need to be fat. Oh well. Can't please the world.
After eating almost a whole container of ice cream, I went to go and get dressed. Right as I walked into the bathroom, my phone rang. It was Jamie telling me that he got me a night job. I was sorry to tell him I already had a nice paying night job. He sounded disappointed. Oh well. When I asked him why he was calling so early, he told me he wasn't going to be home for the day. “Ok bye then.” I hung up. Time to get dressed.
I got dressed and waited until nine o'clock. At nine I started to get everyone up. First I got Jacob and Julianna up. They took showers. A half hour later, I woke up Mery and Anna. They took showers. Next was Brian and Brian. They took separate showers. The younger Brain wouldn't shower with someone else. Oh well. We had enough hot water for two more showers. After everyone was done, I told them they were going out to play. Jacob, Julianna, and Anna were going to the park. James and Mery were going for a ride out of town for a few hours. The younger Brian wanted to go with Anna and the gang, so I let him. The older Brian wanted to go with me, and I told him it wasn't going to be anything fun. I was looking for a day job.
“I don't mind. I just don't want to be alone.”
“Fine lets go.” I told Mery and James that I would drop them off at the station, and I would drop the others at the park. I would pick Anna and the gang up at two o'clock. And that they had better not go anywhere except the park. They agreed, and we left.
After an hour of looking, I found a decent job as a construction worker. I built roves, houses, and anything that could be made out of wood or cement. It was a great paying job. At night I would go to the club and let loose. All good for a hard days work. I was home during the day on rainy days, and home on the weekends during the day. I went out at night to go to work, and by that time everyone would be in bed. It was all good. I had it all figured out.
At two o'clock I picked everybody up at the park. They told me how their day was. They laughed and squealed about how fun the swings were. Jacob told me he liked going down the slide, and Julianna told me how she liked playing in the sand. Anna said she didn't mind being outside. It made her feel almost free. Brian just sat and looked at the sky. He couldn't get enough of it. He told me about the shapes and that, that he made in the clouds. Brian always sounded like a little kid. I don't know why but he did. I didn't mind. He was a good kid. Very quiet though.
At six, Mery and James walked in the house laughing their heads off. They told me about their day and al of the places they stopped to visit. James said he had enjoyed and ice cream after a whole year of not having one. Mery said she enjoyed the museums. All together everyone had fun, except the oldest Brian. He stayed quiet and not saying anything. He had gone with me all day. We had stopped for pizza and wings. And then went to the next job. When we picked everyone up, he just stopped looking at me. Why? Don't know.
I left for my other job at midnight. Brian wanted to come and I let him. He was old enough to get in the club. I wasn't. They didn't need to know that. Fake I.D.'s are great ya know? I was wearing my belly shirt that wasn't really a belly shirt. It didn't really even cover my breasts. It read: If you touch my person, I will have the little green space aliens come down from outer space and zap you. With that very nice shirt, I had on some very low, low- rise hip huggers. They had slits up the sides all the way to my ass, and were held together with leather string. Leather was a favorite of mine, until I had to wear that piece of scrap. I still liked it, but not as much as I did. I had on boots that came to my knees, and were hidden under the pants. I was hotter than hell. No make-up was on my face. Make-up and I didn't mix.
Brian was in a mesh shirt, and a leather pair of pants. He was also wearing a pair of sneakers. Didn't really go with the outfit, but hey, comfort is better than being fashionable. I had my bass with me, and I was good to go. I gave the manager my number and told him to contact me when he didn't need me to come in. I also asked him if Brian could sit on the back of the stage, and he okayed it. He told Brian not to try any funny stuff. Brian just looked at him.
I went up to the band and asked then if they knew anything by disturbed. They said they knew: Voices, Violence Fetish, and Shout 2000 from their “The sickness” album and they knew Awaken and Devour from their “Believe” album. I told them we were going to play all of them. The order was: Shout 2000, Awaken, Voices, Violence Fetish, and then Devour. They okayed it. I sang the parts, and the band played them. Good for me.
We played and everyone shut up again. After the act was done I again got applause. I thanked the band, and they thanked me for a great show. I grabbed my money and Brian and we left for home. Before I left the club though, my fishy sense kicked in. I ‘saw' the area around me and saw that Austin was coming in the door. Gee. That's why George. Heuck! I stepped aside and leaned agenst the wall next to the door. As he came through it, I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him up agenst the wall.
“Why the hell are you following me?”
“Why should I tell you?”
“Because if you don't and I catch you again, I might not stop myself from killing you.” I blanked my face and stared at him. As he went to reach for his gun, I tripped him and sat on his arms. “I don't think so.” He just looked at me. No one was paying us any mind. Except for Brian. He asked me if I needed any help and I told him I had things under control. “Why are you following me Austin?”
“I'm still not going to tell you.”
“Yes you will.” I concentrated on the thought of his body slowly heating up. He started to sweat. I was going to kill him by making his body temperature rise. Blood started coming out of his eyes and his nose.
“Very good Austin. Next time, I won't stop. So don't try me.” I put the image of ice water in his mind and he cooled right off. “And by the way, I don't need your protection, but thanks anyways.” I kissed his cheek and got off of him. He just laid there. I could do that. He gave me a thumbs up. Damn him. He was playing me. I laughed and then Brian and I left the club.
“What was that about mistress?”
“Don't call me that Brian. You know I don't like it.” We got in the truck and started home.
“So, are you like a shape-shifter Brian?”
“Not really.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Well, I don't know if I can tell you. The queen might have my head.”
“Don't worry about it. She works for me remember? And so do you. Now you tell me what you are ok? I'm not going to hit you if you don't. I just want to know.” I was being as nice as I could. He never talked because he was always afraid.
“Well, we are what we are.”
“Ok, I know you're a harpie. So what does what you're telling me mean?”
“Ok. Uh… We are actually harpies. We chose to be in human form because it is within our power. Some of ours power. If we chose we can just as easily go back to being what we truly are.”
“So your telling me that you are really a harpie. But you can change into human form at will?”
“I guess that's what I'm telling you.”
“So…uh…how do you…you know, have sex?”
“Hey! Just because we are immortal beings doesn't mean that we can't have sex like humans. We need a way to procreate too you know. Not to mention that it's also pleasurable in a way that no human would ever know.”
“Explain what you mean please.”
“Well, being a harpie, feelings are intensified. Feelings like pain and pleasure are magnified because…I don't know why. You would have to ask the queen.”
“I will do that. If she gives you hassle, you come to me ok? I'll deal with her.” I meant it. He didn't need to be beat up just because he told me what I wanted to know. “Thank you Brian. How about some fast food?”
“Fast food?”
“Oh lord. You don't know what fast food is? You must have stayed in a cave for a million years, I'm telling you. Fast food is food made for people like us that are on the go. If you don't want any I do. Im starving.”
“No your not. You're perfectly healthy.”
“Never mind. I will teach you figures of speech and humor later.” I stopped at a twenty-four hour Burger King and grabbed two Whoppers, two Cokes, and two large fries. When Brian got his food, he inhaled it. “You like fast food?”
“Very much mis…Lianna.”
“Good. Time to go home.”
Home. What a nice sound. What a nice place to be. Quiet. Sleep. Beds. Brian and I got in the house, and we crashed. He went to his room and I crashed on the couch. I put my gun next to me so I could find it if someone decided to try to break in. When I got comfortable, I went right to sleep.

Things went well for the two weeks that the kids were there. I got a new car and returned Austins. He was still mad at me about what I had done to him at the club. He talked to me when it was necessary. My new baby was bright red, with nice green flames down the sides. It was a Ferrari. I spent more money on the damn car than I did on everything that I bought and put in my house.
Anna, Brian, Jacob, and Julianna all left for their new family. I wished them a happy trip there. Brian enlightened me that he was afraid of heights. Anna liked the shy, and the other two couldn't wait to meet their new family. I told them to be good and take care of their new parents. I gave Anna and Brain the number for the house so they could call if they needed me to come and get them for anything.
Julianna hugged me and told me to take care of the kitty and the doggies. I told her they would be here when she came to visit. She cried as she was getting on the plane. Brian told me he would rather drive to New York. I told him to drive to New York from L.A. was WAY out of the way. He gave a harsh laugh and got on the plane. Anna hugged me bye and took Jacob by the hand and they got on the plane. I saw them wave to me from the windows and then they were gone.
I had to watch the plane go. I was losing something more precious than anything in the world. I…I… was losing another family. I turned and walked in to the airport station where Mery and James were standing. I walked right passed them and said to hurry to the car. I cried. Almost. I lost two little tykes and two younger siblings. That's what they were to me, family.

We got back to the apartment, and Brian was passed out on the couch. His mouth was bloody, and his arm was at an odd angel. I told Mery and James to stay in the living room. I pulled out my baby browning and went in search of our intruders. I crawled along the floor to the bedrooms. Not very fast, but if someone shot at waist level, it was always good to be near the floor. All of the bedrooms were clear, next was the bathroom.
Mery, no one is out there are they?
No Lianna. Everything is ok out here. Your friend just woke up though.
Ask him if he's ok. Wait I'll just ask him. Ask James to guard the door.
He can't do that!
Do you know what his powers are?
He's a pyrokenetic.
Exactly. Now I'm going because I need to know the extent of Brian's injuries. I let her go and tried to get Brian to answer me. Brian? How are you holding out?
Fine. My arm and nose are broke.
I'm sorry I wasn't here for you. Did you see who came in?
No. I'm sorry. They got me from behind.
Ok. If you can, protect Mery. She can't lose this baby.
Ok. He was in pain. I could feel it. I saw the bathroom light on. Yup. They were in the bathroom. What did they want in there? Only one was to find out.
I peeked around the corner in the bathroom, and there was a black man standing in my bathroom. He was going through the cupboards. He had a bottle of my new shampoo in his hands. Evil man! Put it doown! No don't open it stupid. Damn him. I stood up quietly and pointed the gun at his back.
“Put down the shampoo. Slowly or I'll blow away your heart.” He put it down slowly and then put his hands on his head. “Good. Now slowly turn around.” He did. He was the ugliest thing I had ever seen. And I have seen a lot. “Why the hell are you in my house?”
“I was told to check the place out.”
“So you think that gives you the right to hurt someone that lives here? I don't know who told you to break in, but it was a bad idea.” I walked up to him, gun still pointed and took his out of its holster. “Anything else mister?”
“Why would I tell you?” Yup. He had more.
“Turn around and spread um.” I searched him and sure enough I found another gun and a knife. That was it. He didn't have long enough hair to hide another knife so I didn't worry about searching it. I told him to sit on the toilet, and he listened to me. I held the gun in a double grip, it was hard to hold a gun for a long time, and you didn't want your hand to waver. The enemy would take it as a weakness.
I asked him who had sent him, he wouldn't tell me. I racked his brain and couldn't find anything. Nothing. He was an empty shell sent to carry out orders given. Damn it. Just what I needed. Someone with super powers working agenst me. But who was I? Superman or the evil intruder from space? He didn't have an aura so he was sort of human. I think. “Don't quote me,” said the King to the poor blind man. What the hell were his things orders?
“What were your orders mister?” My hands were starting to hurt.
“To come and find you. Then bring you back to my boss.”
“And who would that boss be?”
“Can't say.”
“Why not?”
“Don't know. I know where to bring you, but no to whom.”
“Your dumb you know that.” I looked at him and wondered who had sent him. I thought about it and I came up with nothing. The stupid dude in my bathroom was getting to me. Who the hell sent him? I told the stupid dude in my bathroom o move out to the kitchen where I could keep a better eye on him. On the way, I stopped to make sure Brian was ok. “You need some help?”
He was looking at me with helpless eyes. I read in his mind that he liked the pain he was feeling. Sick bastard. “Come here. Let me put your arm back in place.” He came like he was under some hypnotic spell or something. I set his arm and fixed his nose. He screamed, and it wasn't from pure pain. After that, I walked to the kitchen and began talking to our stupid dude. He wasn't saying much and there was nothing in his head to tell me where to go except some directions to somewhere. What the hell? Why not go? Might be something useful to know.
“Ok mister, you cant tell me why you are in my home, but you needed to take me somewhere?”
“Those were the orders that were given to me, I think.” He is soo stupid!
Mery, is everything ok in there?
Yippers. Nothing but your friend here acting like he needs attention.
Ok. I'm going out. I should have the cell phone with me. Tell Brian not to go anywhere and that goes for you too.
Where are you going?
I don't have a clue. The big lump in here doesn't have anything that can help accept the compulsion to come and get me, and the directions in his head to being me too. I hope to be back tonight. Later but I don't know when. If I'm not back, call Austin and tell him I said he needs to take you in until I can get back. Ok?
Ok. What if he asks about you?
I will deal with that when I get back. If I get back. Well gotta go. I ended the conversation. The big lump who didn't even know his own name, asked me if I was going to go. I told him that we were going. I told him to stand up and move slowly to the front door. He did as he was told. I put my baby browning in his back and we left the house.
We were going to take my new baby. I couldn't just leave it there. All alone under the street lamp. I told the lump to get into the passenger side door, and he complied. Why was he being so cooperative?
Before I knew it, I was doing something that I hadn't done in months. I tried reaching to Demitrie. I connected with his mind, unintentionally.
Oh! Go away!
You are the one who called me not the other way around.
GO AWAY!! I slammed walls into place so hard I think his head spun. I couldn't believe that I had done that. Why did I do that? I couldn't believe that I had done something so…so… like that!
Now the lump and I were on our way to his destination. Why am I going? Don't ask…my brain cant take it.
I drove through every direction in this guy's head, and when we got there I was amazed at what I saw.
Demitrie's car was there! What was he doing here? “Why do I not like this?” I grumbled to myself. Why would someone like…like him be here? As much as I didn't want to know…I was going anyways.
Nothing was going to stop me. Nope. Nothing. OK so I didn't really want to go in there. It looked creepy. Not to mention all of the bad vibes. I was going…going. Slowly but surly I made it to the door. The stupid dude that came with me knocked on the door three times and it opened. That wasn't in his head! Ooo. I was going to kick him if I got close enough.
When I stepped through the door, there was a whoosh of completely bad vibes. There were feelings mixed in as well. There was sadness and anger. There was as strong emotion of pain and pleasure. “Where the hell am I?”
“You are at my house love.” Ok. Now that was creepy. Why was someone I hated so much talking to me?
“What the hell do you want?” I looked behind me and there he was. Demitrie. Ass hole.
“You of course.”
“Don't play games with me. What the hell do you want?”
“I told you what I want. I want you.” He stalked over to me and tried to grab my arms. I moved away and grabbed my gun. My baby browning was my best weapon. Never left it anywhere without me.
I pointed my gun at his chest. He stopped moving and looked at me. “Oh, what is that for love? I am not here to hurt you. I just want…you.”
“Is that why you sent this damn ass here,” I indicated the stupid dude with my free hand, “to my house? I hope you know he injured one of mine. ‘The sins of the master shall befall his servants.'”
There was nothing in me. Not anger, hatred, sadness. Nothing. No emotion. I was an empty shell just there to fulfill a purpose. Destroy my enemies.
I pointed the gun at the guy who broke in my apartment, and shot him in the head. He wasn't coming back. Then I shot the two guys at the door. They were down for the count. For all I saw, the ones on the floor weren't the only people in the house.
“Who else is here Demitrie?”
“I don't know what you mean love.” He was playing me.
“Stop playing me like I'm stupid. I know there are more here. Where are they? In the cellar? In the attic?” I took him by the color of his expensive shirt, and pulled him down to my size. “Where are they damn it?!”
“Why should I tell you? You said you were going to kill me when you got out of that ‘damn place.' Why should I help you?”
“I want to know where they are. Tell me!” All of the emotion left my eyes. I concentrated on the area around the house, inside the house. I ‘looked' and found them. In the upstairs room. I let go of Demitrie and ran up the stairs.
I got to the door and it was locked. I kicked it open and there were people coming to see what happened. There was a guy and two girls. They all carried guns, and one of the women was carrying a sword. ‘I'll take bad guys for 1,000 Alex!'
I pointed my gun and shot each of them once. They all fell dead on the spots they stood. Good. I didn't need any interruptions. I walked fully into the room and looked around. When I walked to the back wall, I almost screamed. There were people hanging from the ceiling. They were chained hands and feet to the walls and ceiling.
They were all facing me. “Queen Niera! Oh my lord! Please tell my your still alive!” I ran to her and the others. She had spikes the size of my arm going through her entire body. They went through her front all the way to the back. There was blood everywhere. The other two people/things had the same things done to them. Their entire bodies from head to foot were covered in nothing but blood and there were spike sticking out of them as well. It was disgusting.
The queen opened her eyes and looked at me. There was a hint of triumph and a hint of sadness behind her eyes. “Oh, don't look like that. It's not your fault. Here let me get you down.” I looked at her and saw she was crying.

Chapter ten
“Hang on. I'll get you down and then we'll get out of here.” When I touched the chains I started to burn. “Damn it! It's silver!” I looked back at the other two chained. They were looking at me two. “Are you two still alive? Talk to me!” The both mouthed yes and then started to cry as well. “I'm sorry to sound so rude…Please don't cry. I don't do well with crying people!” I turned back to the queen. She had her eyes closed. “No don't close your eyes. You'll go to sleep and if you do that you'll die. Open your eyes damn it!” I hit her in the leg and she tried to scream. “Sorry.”
I was in a predicament. I have an allergy to silver and these people were chained in silver. “Are you all allergic to silver?” They all mouthed yes. I could see after I asked them that they had scared flesh. It stopped smoking but it looked like hell. They looked like hell. Fine. I was going to get burned.
I took a hold of the silver chains and yanked as hard as I could. When they gave, I caught the queen and gently laid her as far as I could on her side. I took a hold of the chains at her feet and yanked at those. Tears were almost streaming down my cheeks. I was burning but I couldn't not help these guys.
The queen was on the floor and I told her not to move. I went and got the others down as well. I laid them next to their queen and began a horrid task.
“Look at me all of you. I am going to have to pull these damn spikes out of you. I'm sorry that you cant talk to tell me no. And I don't care what you have to say, I'm going to do it and then you can kill me later when you're healthy.” The queen was first. I guess rank takes over.
I pulled the spike out of her throat first and then began to move down. It must have taken a half hour to pull them all out. On to the next person. I was going to kill him. I was going to make his death slow and painful. Not relenting. No skin. No eyes. No heart. He would beg for death way before it would be granted to him.
When I was done with all three people I didn't know what to do with them. I was told they were immortal, so that was why they hadn't died. Goodie. They never screamed. You could see they wanted to very badly, but they couldn't talk. I guess that had to be good for something.
“Where am I going to put you? You aren't healing like this. Ok, I have an idea.” It was a long shot but hey…Cant please the world. I picked up the other two that were in the room and put them next to their queen and then I gave them instructions. I told them that whatever they did not to move.
I thought of my car and bam, we were there. Right next to it. Demitrie's car was gone. I would find him again. Carefully I put the three of them in the car and drove away. They kept themselves hidden so I wouldn't get stopped for having them in the car naked. And I wouldn't get stopped for them being all bloody. Someone might think that I killed them. 
One of them tried to ask where we were going and I told them that we were going to my house. “Don't say a damn word.” They didn't. Ok. I was pissed at them. Hell, I still am pissed at them. I just didn't get over it when we left the house. What the hell were the thinking going with him?! Damn people!
The drive took a whole twenty minutes. I pulled up close to my door. Condos are not the type of apartment building to pull up next to. But I managed.
Hey James are you still there?
Yes why?
Get Brian and you tow get out here now! I need some help.
Doing what?
Just get your ass out here!
Ok we're coming! I needed help. What was he thinking I needed his help for? Whatever.
“Finally! What took you two so long?”
“Oh my God!” Brain looked horrified but shook his head in agreement with what James had just stated.
“Come on and get them inside. I'll get her. You two get the men.” They did.
When we got everyone inside, Mery was about to scream but I shut her up with a look. She didn't even open her mouth. She turned around and left.
Brian, get the bandages and some water. Put the water in a large bowl please. James, please get some towels and bring them to me.
We had put the three I rescued in my room. The queen was on the bed and the other two were on the floor. We didn't have enough room to put them on the bed…Even when the kids bunked with me they slept at the end of the bed. With three grown people…that would be hell.
“Where's my water?!” The bleeding hadn't stopped on any of them. It wasn't looking good. If immortals could die, it would be this way. Bleeding to death. It didn't look very pretty, not to mention it was getting all over my new blankets…damn it all to hell!
“Brian why aren't these wounds healing?”
“They have to change to their true forms. It's the only way to heal something like this…” He was scared out of his mind. While he was telling me what they had to do to heal themselves. Lovely. I was going to have things with wings in my new house! AHHH! ‘Run away! The evil mashed potato monsters of doom are coming to get you! Run away!'
“What will changing do?”
“W-well our skin is like…rock. It is like a skin of solid rock, and when we change, anything that has happened to our human selves is healed. It's like the skin re-knits itself together. Or like…rock formations coming together at a very fast pace.”
“Amazing. You managed to say that all in one breath. I solute you for that! Now if you all need to change do you thing. I don't want to be here to watch it.” I gave them a hand solute and left the room. James followed me. Brian stayed in the room. Goodie.

A half hour later, there was an energy burst in the apartment. I asked James if he felt it and he said no. Mery said the same thing. Why was I the only one that could feel things? Ok, It was bedtime. “Guys, I think my brain has had enough for tonight. I'm going to bed.”
“Don't you have to work tonight?” Mery sounded eager for me to leave.
“Well what did you have planned for tonight that I need to leave all for a sudden?”
“Nothing.” She was lying.
“Liar. No. It's Monday. I don't do country songs so I don't work tonight.” I got up and went to my door. There was a lot of energy coming from that room. It gave me goose bumps. Yes, it was freaky to have people that weren't really people in my house. Hell, I wasn't even a real person come to think about it. What the hell was I? To tired to think.
I knocked on the door, no one answered. Why was I knocking on My door? Thinking about it for a minute, I couldn't tell myself why. Grabbing the handle, I walked in. So what did I see when I walked in?
My breath was held inside my body as I stared at the…things. I didn't even hear myself say, “Wow.” There were four creatures in my room that had wings and claws. The stood almost as tall as my nine foot ceiling. Their teeth were fangs in themselves. Scary looking but beautiful at the same time.
“Well what do you think?” The voice was familiar but so much deeper I thought it was someone else. It was Brian.
“Silence yourself Brian.” The Queen was taking her place. Well not in my house damn it.
“How about you silence yourself. You have no right in this house to tell anyone to silence themselves.” She looked at me with a look that could kill.
“I am Queen of the Harpies. You will not direct me in how I have treated my people for over six hundred years.” Niera started walking towards me and I held my ground. Damn it, I was not going to run away from something that told me I was in control of it. I am her master. She does my bidding.
Suddenly Niera was flying at me. From the discussions that Brian and I had had over the past few weeks, this was a direct challenge to my authority. “Well well. Pretty cocky aren't we for someone who was just almost dead?”
Niera reached for me and I stepped out of her way faster than she could see. I was over by Brain. “Brian, you may leave the room if you do not wish to watch this fight. As may you other's.” No one moved. Ok fine. Then stay there. I don't care. Just don't come complaining to me if you get hurt.
Niera was getting up from the floor and coming at me again. And again I moved out of her way. After about an hour of me just moving out of her way, I asked her, “Look, if you are really into challenging me than don't you think we could use some more space? I don't really want to mess up my new apartment any more than it already is.” She nodded. I concentrated on everyone in the room and we moved out into open space. I don't know where we landed but we did.
Right when we landed, Niera took to the air and I was left standing on the ground. Ok, air advantage. She laughed and said, “You are pathetic, I don't even know why I acknowledged you as my master. You are nothing but a pathetic human just like your family.” She laughed. Anger, I threw it at Niera and she gasped.
She continued to laugh and tell me my family was pathetic. I let the anger and pain leave my body so there was no emotion left in me. I couldn't do anything. I was stuck in place. Like the shell that I was right then.
I looked up at Niera and she stopped her laughing. My face obviously didn't show what she wanted to see. Niera screeched a high pitch cry and flew at me. When she couldn't get me she cried out and tried again.
“Why don't you fight me?”
“I have no reason to fight you. But you seem to think that I am doing something wrong and you are questioning my authority over you. Why?”
“You don't have the right to be goddess of water, earth and wind. I was at your father's side for over six hundred years and he gave it all to you!”
“A little jealous aren't we?”
“I am not jealous of a mortal! Especially one like you!”
“Then what's the matter?”
“Then why can't you hit me?” With that she flew at me again, and I caught her in her attempt. I held her arms steadfast. One thing I forgot though was her feet.
Niera kicked at me with her clawed feet and I was sent flying into the air. There were claw marks on my stomach from where she had caught me. They were bleeding. Lovely. I stopped the blood flow to those areas and finally fought back. She was happy to see me doing something.
I imagined myself flying next to her, and it happened. When I was next to her I grabbed her from behind and threw her to the ground. I followed her there and tore at her wings. I must have done something right because she screamed in agony.
Niera tried to fly up and found she couldn't. “What have you done to me mortal?!”
“Nothing that I can't fix.” I flew at her and caught her again and slammed her face first into the ground. I put her in a full nelson but placed the palms of my hands on her shoulder blades and squeezed together. There were a bunch of loud snaps and cracks. She screamed that high-pitched scream again. I didn't let her go but I assessed the damage I had done. I broke her shoulders and her shoulder blades. She was in a lot of pain at the moment. “Why do you want to fight me so bad? I just saved your life.”
“No you did not!”
“So your telling me you would have wanted to stay there like that with spikes sticking out of your body? I know for a fact there's a certain body part you still have because of me. And had it not been for me you would have stayed there, hanging on the walls not able to say stop or no!” AS she tried to get up I pushed harder on her arms and there was another snap. I broke her right arm.
“He promised…”
“What did he promise?”
“He said…that…he would give me the time of my life if I came with him.”
“And you went!”
“I couldn't help myself! I wanted…no needed to have someone like him! I couldn't put down what he wanted to do to me!”
I whispered in her ear so only she could hear, “Now you listen to me! I don't ever want you to go back to him again do you hear! If someone makes you an offer that is too good to be true you better refuse it. I swear on everything that I hold dear that I will not save you again!”
“But it wasn't my fault!” Even right after she said it I knew she was sorry. But I wasn't about to let her get away with what she had said about my family or me.
“Oh yes it was!” I squeezed harder and broke her left arm. She started to cry. Oh well! “Don't cry. You're the one that wanted this fight. Just because you can't use those things you call arms doesn't mean you need to cry!” I took her out of the full nelson and put my knee in her back. She really needed to learn how to fight. But how had she kept her place for six hundred years if she didn't know how to fight? And wasn't a harpy's skin like sold rock?
Before I had time to react to what I had just thought, Niera was up and away from me. You could see her bones re-knitting together. It was gross! But that's what she did. She laughed while she was up and then walked towards me. I moved away from her and she flew into the air. Well, her wings were fixed.
“I cannot believe you bought all of that?”
“So what really happened? I would like to know if we are going to be here for a while.”
“He asked if I wanted a good time. I told him yes. He then asked me while we were having great sex, if I would do him a favor. I asked what it was, he asked if I would kill you.”
“Isn't that touching.” I was standing now and looking at her with a straight face. I couldn't help it. I wanted to laugh in her face so bad. Without even knowing it a smile touched my face.
“What is so funny?”
“Nothing. Well, since you are here why not tell you?? Demitrie is an ass. Plain and simple. Once he gets to know you, you will think you're in love with him, and then he will betray you. Got it?”
“No.” She was hovering in the air and she looked royally puzzled.
“He betrayed me and I told him I would kill him when I got the chance. He just wants me dead so I can't kill him.” I looked at her and she just stared at me. I had her attention, good. I focused my energy on her throat and it to explode. Bu-bye throat!
Niera was falling on the ground and falling hard. When she landed I ran over to her and sat on her. I made sure that her hands and her feet were well underneath me. Using all of the strength that I could muster, I reached through her chest cavity and tried for her heart. What would something that was immortal do without a heart?
She struggled as much as she could. Shouldn't she be stronger for being mannny years older than I was? She was ‘over' six hundred years old and she wasn't even struggling much. Amazing. “I am going to pull your heart out now. I hope that kills you because if it doesn't than I don't know what to tell you. I hope you die from it though.”
I whispered in her mind, Know that you will never betray me again! You will never have the chance to kill me ‘cus your already pushing daisies toots. Bu-bye! I tore out her heart and she screamed pretty damn well for having no throat. I could see that it was already healing.
“Y-yes?” I heard him gulp from what seemed like miles away. When I looked he was only a few yards away.
“What the hell do I do with this now?” He was looking at it like it was a jewel. After I looked at him and thought that he wanted to eat the thing that was pulsing in my hand, I turned back to the harpy I was sitting on.
“I…I-don't know. I-think you have to destroy it. Along with her body.”
“Please tell me your not drooling over this nasty thing?”
“You said not to tell you so I am not.” Ewe! Gross! He wanted to eat it! It took all I had not to throw the thing away and wipe my hands on my pants. Yukky!
He said I had to destroy it, so be it. I called on a storm. (Something I could do since I was knee high to a buck-weed). I called a heavy storm and pulled the thunder and lightning across the sky. I sent a surge of lightning into my hand and the heart disintegrated. “Now what do I do with her?”
“Destroy her too.” That was from one of the other two that were there. I got the feeling that none of her subjects liked her much. None of them stepped in to save her. I bent close to her ear and whispered her name to get her attention. I whispered again when she didn't look at me, “Niera? Niera? NIERA!” She finally made the effort to look at me. So what? I didn't care that she was dying! I saved her life and this was how she thought to repay me? So she was going to die. The world wouldn't miss her.
“Bu-bye lovely one.” I looked in her eyes, kissed her oh so soft lips and threw the lightning at her right at the moment I jumped off her. She went up into a pile of ash. There was no scream, nothing. She just died. Well, that's how immortals die! Couldn't have told me two years ago that was how something like that died. I would have called you a liar to your face that they even existed. Well, now I know. Things like that do exist. And now I know how they die.
Brian ran over to me and asked if I was ok. “You want to see something cool?”
“I don't know. Will it kill me?”
“No of course not.”
“Why not?” I pulled up what remained of my shirt and waved a hand over the cuts on my stomach. At once they healed themselves. His mouth dropped into a perfect O shape. “How?”
“Natural habit I picked up from both of my parents. They could both do it. I inherited it. I have always done it when I have a scratch or something. It takes longer to heal cuts like those ones though.”
“You have got to be kidding me. That took only about three seconds and your complaining that it wasn't fast enough?”
“Yes, I am.” I know that I shouldn't take it for granted but hey, I was the one that was cursed with the damn powers/abilities whatever you wanted to call them. I hated them but sometimes they came in handy. Like now. Or when I just needed time away from someone or something I could just warp out of the place.
Now I wanted to go home. I didn't want to be anywhere but home and in my nice comfortable bed sleeping. Brian walked back over to his friends (I think) and talked to them. Because I didn't want to hear what they had to say I didn't. As I started to walk away from them, all three of them came running to me. When they got there, they were in front of me and curling around my feet. None of them were in their freaky-state, and they were naked.
They were all beautiful, all three of them. In the instant I saw them naked in front of me, giving the world a view of heaven, a need slammed into me so hard I bent over with it. Why was this not good? Never, ever, had I even thought about casual sex and now it was like I needed it. Oh I so didn't want this to happen.
I realized that I had fallen to my knees, and it was the WRONG thing to do. The three of them were climbing all over me like some frenzy of puppies. ‘Attack of the killer puppies!'
“St-stop it…” That was all I could say. My body wanted-no – needed them at that point.
“We can feel your lust mistress. Your body wants us. Please do not push us away.” That was from one of the two guys I rescued. He was looking at me with eyes so much in pain that I was drawn to look at them. Behind those eyes I saw it all. He was so helpless but he needed this. Something. He needed to be loved and cared for. He needed to be dominated. That was why he was with Niera. That's why they were all with her. All three of them. She promised them protection from the outside world for their services.
They liked the pain so much they couldn't say stop. When they did say no, they were punished. They didn't know how to say no anymore. That was disgusting. I couldn't say it was disgusting when my body reacted to theirs like it was. What was I going to do?
“You…have…to…stop this!” I tried to move away but they all held me down. I was kissing the ground. I was on my stomach, and one of them had their hands on my breasts. Or was it two? Damn it, I couldn't think with them doing this to me!
When I tried to push off the ground to get away from them, they wouldn't let me go. They wouldn't let me up. Before I knew it my shirt was up and someone was undoing my bra. This was not good. Not good at all.
Without thinking I thought of my bed and in an instant we were there. Oh No!
“This isn't what I wanted!” We had landed smack dab right on the bed. By the time all of my thoughts came back to me I was as naked as they were. One of them had my breasts, one of them had my stomach and the last one had my legs. This was sooo not what I wanted.
All of them frenzied over me like I was some goddess to be cherished. How ironic. Wasn't that exactly what I was? No that was not what I was- am. Damn it! I can't even think with these guys like this around me! The one that was fondling my breasts was now sucking them like he was taking the juice from a peach. The one at my stomach was licking his way up and down and all over. I couldn't tell. The one on my legs was so close to my personal area that I screamed out.
I finally got a look at where everyone was. Amazingly Brian was the one at my stomach and the other ones were at my legs and breasts. “Please…stop.” I managed to get it out, but none of them stopped. Not a one. I kicked at the one on my legs and he held them down with just his chest. He was lying over my legs and I could feel he was more than happy to be there. Brian looked at me when I started to kick and I tried to plea in my eyes to get them to stop but right when he looked at me, the one on my legs slid a finger into me and the one at my breasts bit at my nipple harder than I would have normally liked, but…But…Oh damn it all to hell!
I cried out in ecstasy. I thought of music and my stereo stated to play. I turned it up with a thought of my mind. I hoped that we were all drowned out from the world. I knew I wasn't drowned out from myself as much as I wanted to be.
Brian please don't!
please don't make me stop…
I cant…take it anymore… He looked at me again with such helplessness that I couldn't take it. Fine. ‘If you cant beat ‘em, join ‘em.' My daddy always taught me that. Austin had taught me, ‘If you can't beat ‘em, kill ‘em.' If only I could do something around what he had told me.
I grabbed Brain and brought him up to my face. He looked at me and I brought his mouth to mine. I didn't want to let him go. Right now he was my hold. I ravaged, explored and teased him. I nibbled at his lower lip.
As if knowing what was going to happen, Brian kissed me hard when the one at my legs put another finger inside of me. The one at my breasts gave a small opposing noise when I brought Brian to my mouth because he was forced out of the way. I grumbled to him he better get over it and fast. He did. He had taken Brian's place at my stomach and Brian had taken his place at my mouth and breasts.
He found the spot. The one way down where had found it. I cried out in a small yelp. He groaned and pushed on the spot. I couldn't help but almost scream out loud. If he hadn't have held my legs I would have pushed against him to get some friction, but alas, I was held steadfast. I had to get momentum going. I had to.
Brian I have to…Oh god! I did too. When I came, the one at my legs bent his mouth down and began to suck at me slowly. I thought I was going to die.
Brain, make them leave please! I cant take anymore of this!
You make them leave. Tell them to leave and they will. I gathered as much strength as I could at the moment and both in mind and out of my mouth I told them enough. I sounded damn stern for what was going on. They stopped and looked up at me as if in a drugged state just coming awake or something. “Get…out!” They looked like they were in a stupor. “Bedroom, two…doors down.” They were looking at me like I wasn't serious. “NOW!” They hurried out of the room.
It was way to late for Mery and James to be up so they wouldn't be seen. Gosh darn it I didn't care! I was hornier than hell on wheels and what I wanted now was not to worry about them! I needed to get laid!
“Whoa! That is not me!”
‘What?” Brian started to kiss my neck.
“I don't just think I need to get laid…oh please don't Brian!” He wouldn't stop. I turned in his arms and slapped him across the chest. He looked at me. “ I asked you to stop! When I say stop I mean it!” He just looked at me. It was like a realization just came into his face. “I mean it.” That was all I could say for a solid five minutes. Then I started to cry. Really cry.
“I am so sorry mistress!” Brain grabbed me and held me in his arms tight and he didn't let go. I let all of the tears come down my face. The tears for everything. My family, my ruined life, the dead queen. It all came out in one hell of a tear storm.
Actually, when I started to cry, it started to rain. The harder I cried the harder it rained. After a while it started to thunder and lightning, and I knew that my crying and sadness had caused it.
Brian kept cooing to me and telling me that he was sorry. He was so sorry. Finally when I thought I couldn't cry anymore, I fell asleep. I slept like the dead. Nothing could have waked me. But, something did.
“Mistress…Please wake up. You have a phone call.”
“Tell ‘em to call back later. I'm sleeping damn it!” There was some conversation and then, “They said it is ten o'clock and you're late for work.”
“WHAT!” I stormed out of bed and half way to the door I realized that I was still naked. I walked to the dresser in my room, and got some work clothes out. I wasn't late. Not for anything! “How come no one woke me up?” I said as I walked into the kitchen and got some fresh coffee out of the pot.
“You were sleeping so soundly th-”
“I don't give a damn! If I am late for work again I am going to be fired and right now we need the money. I don't see any of you getting off your lazy asses and getting a job. Mery your excluded from that last comment. I work two jobs and none of you can help out around here!” I sighed in frustration and the two that had gang raped me last night came out of the room.
“Is something wrong mistress?”
“Don't you ever call me that.” I looked down at them both. “By the time I get home today, I want you both out of my house. Do you understand me?”
“But- we have no where to go. You killed her last night. She kept us all at her…um…house.”
I yelled at myself and then finally said, “Fine. You can stay here, but you will both find fucking jobs and help out. You will stay at least five feet away from me at all times do you understand that?”
“Yes mistress.”
I slapped them both in the side of the heads. “And if you cal me that one more time I'm going to knock both your heads together until my hands meet. My name is Lianna.” I told Brian to fill them in on the house rules and daily duties. I left them feeling bewildered.

I took all of the stress and hurt and sadness out on the job. I built and lifted and did it all but almost by myself. Everyone stayed out of my way. Half way through cutting a piece of log for the house we were building the boss came up to me. He tapped my shoulder and I jumped out of my skin.
“You ok toots?”
“No I am not boss. Now if you don't mind I'm going back to work.” I continued to cut the piece of log and he asked me again what was wrong. “You really want to know? I WAS GANG RAPED LAST NIGHT!” I screamed it at the top of my lungs and knew all of the guys had heard what I said.
“You were what?”
“You heard me damn it now let me do what I get paid to do!” I went eagerly back to work and finished out the day. When I was going to my new baby, the boss once again came up to me.
“Lianna, I think you should take a few days off. The guys will manage without you. I don't want to hear it. I'll pay you for three days of work and then I want you back here you got it?”
“Yea I got it.” I got in my car and left. The boss wasn't the type to ask that you say thank you. In fact her was one of the biggest perverts that I knew but what I told him he took to heart. By Thursday he would be picking on me again.
I went home and when I walked in the door I was bombarded by people. There must have been over twenty people in my house when I walked in. When I entered the house they all left though and I was left looking at Mery and James.
“What the hell was going on here?”
“We had a party. That's all.”
“A party?” I was slowly getting agitated. A party? James should have been out finding a job not having a party. Mery should have been on the couch or in bed doing nothing. Probably reading a book. “Where are the other three?”
“Well the two you brought in went and found jobs like you told them too. Brian is in his room. I think he might be sleeping.”
“The next time you have a party in my house, I suggest you ask me. Or did you forget that I pay the bills, and the food you all wasted just now?” I turned and headed towards the door to Brians room. “James pick up the mess the ‘company' made. I don't want her to bend over.”
I walked into Brian's room and found a site so…sad it was hard to look at. But I forced myself over to Brian. “What are you doing Brain?”
“Punishing myself for your hurt.”
“What are you doing Brain?”
“Punishing myself for your hurt.”
“You said that already. I asked you again for a different answer.”
“Why would you want a different answer mistress?” I let his calling me mistress go right then. Right now, I had a task ahead of me. He was holding a small razor in his hand and cutting his body up. I took the blade out of his hand and tossed it aside. He got up and tried to get it. I stopped his path and he got mad. I stood up and stepped in front of him. “Please move out of my way. I do not want to hurt you.”
“Now why would you do something like that?”
“I need to be punished and you have taken away the instrument intended to do just that.” He tried to go in front of me but I held my place and didn't move. I wasn't going to let him do something like this to himself. Even if what had happened was partially his fault.
He pushed me out of the way and I got to my feet quickly and caught his hand. He tried to strike me with his free hand and I held that one steadfast. He cried out in anger and struggled to get free. I held him and then turned him around, his hands still in my grip and held him like a child. He started to cry tears of blue on my arms as I held him. He stopped struggling and just lay in my arms. Terrible sobs shook his frame and in turn shook me.
“Its ok Brain.” I rocked him while holding him as close as I could get him to me. In those moments I felt more sorry for him than I did myself, and I was the one that was raped, not him! “Shhh.” I kissed his hair and his neck to try to make him feel better. All he could do was cry, and I all I could do to comfort him was hold and comfort him.
He finally fell asleep and I carried him to his bed and lay him on it. I lay with him for the few hours I had before I went to my night job. When I was sure he wasn't going to wake up, I left him and got ready job number two.

  Chapter eleven
I took a long and hot shower after I left Brians room. I had Mery help me get on my leather for the job and I did my long hair. It was in little braids tight to my head. Now I am not racist but the braids are called black people's braids. The ones that are like corn rows but braids along your head. After I braided my hair, I put little whoops and curls through it and made it look some-what in order. It was a mess and that's how the boss liked it.
Now I don't wear make up. I hate it. Never ever will someone catch me dead in it. I was already walking out the door when the other two bullies waked in. “What are your names?”
“I'm Anin,” The bigger one said to me.
“I'm Bake.” That was from the one that had the beautifully sad eyes.
“Well Bake in this house your name is…Tom. I don't like Bake, no offense.”
“None taken. So where is Brian mistress?” I gave him a look from the dead. “I am sorry. It is an old habit. Lianna?”
“In his room. If you wake him up I will kill both of you. I just got him to sleep.”
“Then we will go and sleep with him.” I nodded and left for work.

I got up on stage and sang my hearts content. When I sang, my feelings went into it. It was like magic. Whatever I felt was portrayed in my music. The audience felt what I was feeling when I sang. At the end of a long and tiring night I calmed the audience and then waited tables.
The boss at my second job's name was Curly. And yes, he assured me that it was his real name. I asked him as a joke where Larry and Moe were, and he said they were funny and dead. His long lost brothers. It was good for a laugh. At about three o'clock in the morning I was off home.
“Hey, I haven't seen you eat all night. Here take some pizza with you.” I took three slices of pizza, snarfed them down and left for home with that nights pay. I made over two hundred that night in tips and pay itself. Pretty damn good for that night. It wasn't as busy as it normally was.
On the way home I stopped at a fast food place and got a cheeseburger and a vanilla coke. They were gone by the time I got home. When I walked in the door again for the second time in twelve hours, I was tired enough to sleep for a week. I asked Curly about getting a couple days off and he said it was ok but he wasn't going to pay me for them. I told him that was fine but I needed some sleep. I told him that I was tired from working construction and a night job and he told me to go home and get some rest. He was nice for a guy who had just turned forty.
I walked to my room, stripped to my undies and went to bed. I wouldn't be getting a phone call at six in the morning telling me to come into work. Hell I wouldn't even be getting a call at nine at night to go into work. I could officially do nothing for three days. I could finally be lazy and not worry about getting whipped for it or getting yelled at for not showing up to work. Sleep…I was in such need of it.
At five o'clock in the morning I woke up to find Brian in my bed like he had been so many times before. I pulled him close to me and spooned with him. He mumbled in his sleep that he didn't mean to hurt anyone. I went back to sleep holding Brian close and safe from the world.
Nine o'clock rolled around and I knew that because I was woke up to breakfast in my lap. There were eggs, toast, hot fresh coffee, orange juice, and some French toast with real maple syrup on it. When I sat up however, Austin was sitting at the foot of my bed and Brian was gone.
I ate my breakfast and just when I was going to go back to sleep, Austin grabbed my blanket and yanked it off of me. I caught it right close to my breasts and he smirked.
“It's not like I haven't seen them before Rain. Now come on. You have work to do.”
I looked at him coldly and said, “I have had six hours of sleep. I was raped and I have three days off to get sleep. Now if you don't mind, I would like to sleep for another six hours and then we can talk about what you want to do.”
“No. You are coming with me now. I brought you some jeans and a tee. You have your undies and bra's I don't need to get those for you too. You are a grown-up. Half way anyways."He got up and left. Because I didn’t want to get slapped, I got up and did what I was told to do. I put on the old jeans, the old work tee and finished getting ready for a day with Austin. That consisted of three guns, seven knives and a short sword. I think I was ready for a day with Austin. I wouldn’t know until I talked with him again. When I did, I was going to give him a piece of my mind. Oh well if he didn’t like it.
I was walking to the kitchen, and I stopped at Brain’s room. I found him tied to the bed with a gag in his mouth and a note tapped to his head. It read:
Rain if he tries to hit me again, I wont take him back to his room.
Well wasn’t that lovely of him? “Brian are you ok?”
“My shoulder hurts like a bitch other than that I think I’m ok.” I looked at him. He looked as tired as I felt right then.
“When I get home we are going to take a nice long nap.” He looked at me and I smiled. I untied him and set him right on the bed. He thanked me and said I shouldn’t keep the slave driver waiting. “I know. He can wait though.” We both laughed but I left anyways.
I got to the kitchen and there were two other people besides Austin there. Jamie was one, and the other one I didn’t know. He gave me the creeps. I was reaching for one of my knives when Austin assured me he was ok. “If he brakes anything or hurts anyone in this house, he dies.” That was my first and only warning and Austin knew what it meant. To bad the other guy didn’t.
I went over to the filled coffee pot looked at Austin and he smiled. “French Vanilla.” I smiled and went to get some creamer out of the fridge. I put it in along with some sugar and I was almost good to go. I was missing something, but lord help me I didn’t know what it was! Before I could remember Jamie picked me up and I almost spilled my coffee.
“Damn it! Put me down you big oaf! I haven’t even had my second cup of coffee! Austin you didn’t warn him did you?”
“I didn’t think it was necessary.” I looked at him like he was stupid and then got back to the matter at hand.
“Jamie if you don’t put me down this instant you will regret ever picking me up.” I went completely still in his arms and he shook a little but finally put me down. “Don’t touch me, looks at me or breathe on my before my second cup of coffee. If you do, you will wish you hadn’t.” I looked at him, smiled and went back to my coffee. I think he got the point. I gulped it down, felt instantly better then walked up to him.
“You ready finally?” I nodded to him. He picked me up and gave me a bear hug that was more like a bunny hug than anything. I think he was afraid to hurt me. When he set me down the two buffoons Tom and Anin walked in. The came running up to me about ready to pounce on everyone in the room.
“Relax and leave.” I wasn’t any to gentle with them. I did not like them to be around me. In fact I loathed them right then.
“Calm down Lianna. We were only protecting you,” said Anin. I glowered at him.
“And you call what you did to me two nights ago protecting me?” He looked down in shame. Tom came to his rescue.
“Madame we did nothing that you did not want.” Jamie was looking at the three of us.
“Lianna what happened?”
“I asked you all to stop and I don’t know how many times it came out of my mouth but you didn’t did you? No I don’t think you did. You have better be lucky your staying here. Be lucky I don’t kill you both right here and now!” I walked past them and into the living room. Needless to say they all followed me. 
“Like I said madam, we did nothing you didn’t want.”
“It is called rape! Especially when the victim says no or to stop. I said both of those words and did you two stop? No I don’t think you did. I think you need to brush up on what rape means.”
“It was not rape. You wanted it!”
“Stop this right now!” Jamie grabbed my by the arms and asked me right out to my face what happened. There was an anger in his eyes and I think it was directed towards me.
“I was rapped and these buffoons were involved. Please don’t ask me to explain right now everything that happened just know that I am telling the truth.” Jamie went completely still and it was like he was sniffing the air.
“You are right not here.” He looked at Austin and I guess that was a signal because Jamie, Austin and the new guy all moved around me.
“Hey what’s going on here? Move out of my way!” There was a hand over my mouth. It was the new guys. I bit his hand and he yelled at me. “Then don’t do that again.” They wouldn’t let me out, but I was determined to get out. I thought about being on the ceiling and I was there, for a split second. Then I was on my ass on the floor. It hurt like hell and I yelped out with pain. “That hurt!”
“Then don’t do it again.” The new guy was getting on my itchy nerve.
“What the hell is your name and what the hell are you doing in my apartment?”
“Don. Nice to meet you princess.” I stared at him in astonishment.
“Excuse me?” He didn’t just call me princess.
“What did you just call me?”
“I think I just called you princess, princess.” I looked at him coldly. I thought about a spoon hitting him in the head and the one off the kitchen counter hit him dead square in the middle of the forehead.
“Don’t you EVER call me that again. Now what the hell is going on here?” I looked at Austin and then at Jamie.
Austin looked at me as if I was stupid. “You’re being followed dumb ass. I can’t believe you didn’t know it!” He gave me a look that said he wasn’t pleased. Oh great, the big gorilla from hell is coming to tell me I did something wrong and then take me to the fiery pits of nothingness for it. Go bother someone else damn it! I don’t like big gorillas!
“So? Who is it then?” Again with the look. Jamie looked at me in a bad way and I was completely lost. Who would have been following me that I couldn’t have known they were there? I sat cross-legged where I had landed with a hand on my chin thinking about it. The only person/thing that could do that was Demitrie. Dumb ass thing!
“A guy named Demitrie.”
“Damn him!” I got up so furious with myself. I should have known it. He was such an ass to me now. He always was. Stupid…zombie…gremlin! OOO…He would get it now. I promised him I would kill him, and I was going to. Once I got my icky sticky little grubby hands on him.
I headed for the door and Jamie blocked my way. “Move it or I’ll blow your fucking face off Jamie. And I don’t say what I don’t mean.” I looked dead into his eyes and he shivered for a minute.
“You would wouldn’t you? You would really kill me?”
“If you stand in my way yes. I wont think twice about it. Now please move. I wont ask again.” He did. He looked sad. I didn’t mean to scare him. I was only telling the truth! Now look what happened. I scared him away from me. Oh well. Cant please the damn world!
I walked outside and into the back of the condo building. I thought of Demitrie and I was standing next to him in the brushes. He jumped when he saw me. “What the hell are you doing here?” He looked a little pleased.
“You were following me. Why?” I pulled him out of the brushes and out into the open. Needless to say, we were only a few yards from the building. . I looked at him with nothing. I felt nothing and could see nothing but him. I was once again a completely empty shell.
He stood up and smiled at me. No fear showed on his face, just a quaint smile. No emotion what so ever. “I was not ‘following’ you. I was…how do you say…watching you.” He laughed a little. I walked over and punched him in the gut.
“Watching is the same thing as following. Better learn it love because you wont be learning anything else.” After he doubled over, I brought his face to my knee and made him flip over himself and land face first in the dirt. I again walked over to him, only this time I picked him up and slapped him once, twice, three times. It got the desired result. He started to fight with me.
“You are going to pay dearly for that little one.” He kicked me in my face and I landed on my ass for the second time that day. I came over, picked me up and then punched me twice in the stomach. It really hurt!
As he went to punch me in my face, I grabbed his fist and twisted with all of my might. I heard several snaps and he yelled out, “That hurt!” Before I knew it I was in a full head on battle with Demitrie. Punches and kicks were flying. Stones and pebbles were being thrown. It was an all out war without any firing weapons.
Once I thought of my weapons, I picked out a knife and threw it at him. I missed my target. “Damn it! Hold still will ya!” I threw another one and it missed again. I kept throwing the knives I had and they just kept missing.
“The more you throw those little pieces of metal the more they will miss.” He spoke up behind me and before I knew it I was in a full nelson. Damn him!
“You know, it isn’t nice to hit a girl.”
“Who said you were a girl?” There was a smile when he said it. Oh! That was so rude!
“I am more female then you will find in any other woman. And you know it. Now let me go so we can have a fair fight.” All right so I was getting agitated! You can’t fight and be in a full nelson.
“But my dear, we are having a fair fight” He let me go anyways. He knew I couldn’t fight while he had me. He wanted to fight me, why I didn’t have the faintiest. So, I ran up to him and punched him in the stomach again and he doubled over laughing.
“What on earth is so funny?” I was more stunned then anything else. He was laughing at me. Well at least he was laughing.
“You hit like a girl!” That did it. I may be a girl but damn I did not hit like one. When I was in third grade I put this little boy in the hospital because he took my lunch money. He must have been three times my size…
“I may be a girl but I sure don’t hit like one and you knot that.” I stood up and looked at him. “There is something else isn’t there…and you just don’t want to tell me do you?” I was beginning to think that I was set up again.
“Yes there is something else. If you will please look just over there,” he indicated behind me. I saw Jamie being taken away as limp as a log. He was out like a light…and I was fighting Demitrie. I started to run to Jamie but Demitrie caught my arm and flung my entire body against a tree. Luckily nothing broke…but I was completely stunned…body and all. I could not even open my eyes. But I could hear what was going on around me and it didn’t sound very pretty.
“Lia help us!” Mery and James were being taken away and I was laid up against a tree. All I could think about was getting them away from those people. Away from Demitrie. I felt him bend overme and thenheard him whisper to me, "When you are ready come and save them." And thenhe was gone. Nothing more was around me. I was alone.
I was alone and stunned for a while. It seemed like hours but was really only a few moments in time. When I was able to walk again, I got up and fell back down. I was off balance…yippy.
      When I was able to walk again ad have my almost perfect balance back…I slowly walked inside. My apartment was a wreck. He furniture was torn…things were scattered about. “They made this place a mess…Jeezums.” I sat down on the floor and almost gave into tears. They were gone again. I wondered if the children were ok…the ones that had been sent away.

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2004-06-17 [eyes of frost]: so what does everyone think of chapter eleven?

2004-06-17 [Queen of Stars]: I can't comment on that on yet because you haven't read it to me. I'm lazy and you know it. I guess I should join the lazy peoples club too, huh?

2004-06-17 [Queen of Stars]: ok, so I broke down and read it for myself because I just couldn't wait. It's pretty damn good and I want more. 

2004-06-17 [eyes of frost]: well it looks to me mother that you are just going to have to wait....*wonders off to go and write more*

2004-06-18 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: i liked it. i really liked it. you seem to always stop in the middle of a chapter though... thats starts getting confusing cuz tis hard to find the spot where i left off lol

2004-06-18 [eyes of frost]: , well i have more if you want me to put it up.

2004-06-18 [Queen of Stars]: Of course we want you to put it up. Are you going to read it to me this time, or do I have to read it all by myself? I wonder if this would count as a book in our library book thingy. Tee-hee. It's good enough to be there you know.

2004-06-18 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: lol. yeah, please do put it up.

2004-06-20 [Queen of Stars]: Yes, we're all waiting with baited breath. 

2004-06-20 [eyes of frost]: hehe...You'll have to wait until chapter 12 is done! muahahahah *runs around with an evil grin*

2004-06-21 [Queen of Stars]: little brat, I'm mom. I'm supposed to know it all before everyone else does. Not fair. *pouts and sighs*

2004-06-21 [eyes of frost]: *barks gleefully* dont know everything! *jumps around*

2004-06-23 [Queen of Stars]: oh, but i know where you keep you disc with your story on it and I can just pop it into the computer and read it all before you know that I have. Tee-hee. nananananana

2004-06-28 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: lol uh-oh.... sounds like trouble there... hey dont fight with her itll just keep her from writing more! hey, i just loooooove the new addition! made me laugh... dont ask me why but i do find it hilarious!

2004-06-29 [eyes of frost]: so is there anything wrong with it? I am thinking of submitting the first 3 chapters toa publishing place and seeing what they say.

2004-06-29 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: lol i think that would be an idea.

2004-06-29 [eyes of frost]: I dont want it sent back to me though. I am hoping that they will keep it and ak for more.

2004-06-30 [Queen of Stars]: I say finish the entire book first and then submit it. That way, when they do want the whole book, you can just smile politely as you hand it to them. Tee-hee. But honestly, your story is great and I know that they're going to want the whole thing and faster than you'll think.

2004-06-30 [Queen of Stars]: I like the new addition, but where's the rest. I know that we had a lot to do yesterday, but I want more. More. More. More. More...

2004-06-30 [the 5th apocalyptic horseman]: yeah. more. more. more. more. more. more. more.

2004-07-01 [eyes of frost]: go more yourselves some wehre else! I dont have anymore yet!!!

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